Thursday, November 20, 2008

Karaoke: Lesson 1

Today, I shall explain and give out some tips and pointers in making karaoke files. I assume that you are using Aegisub with Automation 4.0.

LESSON 1: The Basics of \k

To make make a karaoke from the given line, we use the {\k[duration]} tag. The [duration] is the time in centiseconds. \k is used to change the color of the text from secondary to its primary color. For more info about ASS tags, check out

Example, we have a line composed to the following words "yume o miru" without the quotation marks. To make a karaoke that changes the font color from red(default) to white(default) for a specific time, we use the {\k} tag
  • {\k20}yu{\k30}me {\k20}o {\k25}mi{\k50}ru 
As you can see, this means that the syllables will change colors within the specified duration. "yu" will change its color then wait for 20 centiseconds before going to the next syllable. "me" will change its color then wait 30 centiseconds before going to the next syllable and so on. 

There are also other tags used that is a variation of the original {\k[duration]} tag. These are the {\kf[duration]}, {\K[duration]}, and {\ko[duration]}. \kf and \K are the same. Instead of change the color instantaneously, they change the color from the leftmost edge of the syllable to the rightmost edge for the duration. \ko is the same as \k only that instead of the fill color, the outline color is changed.

That concludes lesson 1 for creating karaoke. Next Lesson: Making karaoke easier

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